Queenslanders at heart

One of the many forms and notifications I completed before we left Australia was to inform the Australian Electoral Commission that we would be out of the country. This was due to a combination of factors; a fear of being fined for not voting, and not missing out on the opportunity to exercise our democratic rights for any election which may happen whilst we are away. Roll around November 25; Queensland State Election. We had applied for and received our postal votes. Louise and Zac had done the same...sent to our address. So they drove over from Derby to be Queenslanders with us. As all patriotic Aussies know, once you have voted (at your local school), you have a sausage sizzle. So we sat around, voted and witnessed forms, and had the English version of a sausage sizzle. Something the English do very well is sausages; a great variety of flavours, not too fatty, and very tasty. And all the sausages pair very well with English ales and ciders!